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Out of surgery

Writer's picture: The Good Shepherd ProjectThe Good Shepherd Project

Thank you for all the prayers offered for little baby Maria. On Monday she went into surgery, the doctors are pleased with the way she has responded. They are now waiting for a few weeks to assess whether to put in a new drain, or whether she can continue with the external one she has now.

Please pray, a lot of pressure is being put on the team at the moment. They have to have someone near her day and night, ready to call a nurse if anything goes wrong.

Part of hydrocephalus for Maria means that she cannot be fed with normal milk, or liquids. Everything she drinks has to be thickened as she has not yet developed the ability to swallow properly. Each pot of her special milk costs R$50, roughly £10. In Brazil this is equivalent to approximately three days on minimum wage, so a huge proportion as one pot only lasts 5 days. The council has said they will pay for this, but it has been over 3 months and they still haven't helped with anything. Please pray as we try to aid them in this need.

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